
If you want CIM to work with ERS and pickup changed templates correctly, you will need to set the following environment variables for CIM:

CIM environment variable Default Mandatory Example Description
EXTENSION_CONFIG_CACHE_MODE PROD TEST Determines if caching of extension configuration is permanent (as in PROD use) or reloadable (as in TEST use). Allowed values are: TEST, PROD
EXTENSION_CONFIG_CACHE_TEST_TTL_MILLIS 20000 5000 Determines time between extension configuration cache eviction in TEST cache mode

Below is the list of properties that are necessary to be configured for the external resources service.

Git -> S3 synchronization

Environment variable Default Mandatory Example Description
GIT_IGNOREDDIRECTORIES .git .git,excluded,docs List of directories that should be skipped during git -> s3 synchronization
GIT_IGNOREDFILES <empty> List of files that should be skipped during git -> s3 synchronization
GIT_REPOSITORYMAXSIZEMB 20MB 5MB Maximum size of a git repository. If exceeded the synchronization is skipped
GIT_OPERATIONTIMEOUT 30s 100ms Maximum duration for connecting to a git repository and fetching its contents
S3_BUCKETID yes onegini-ers-test Name of the AWS S3 bucket that is used to store the resources
S3_REGION yes eu-west-1 AWS region where the S3 bucket is hosted
SYNCHRONIZATION_THREADPOOLSIZE 2 5 Thread pool size for GIT repository with S3 synchronization

Some endpoints in this application are only accessible when using bearer authentication with a JSON Web Token (JWT). The following environment variables are needed to validate the JWT.

Environment variable Default Mandatory Example Description
SPRING_SECURITY_OAUTH2_RESOURCESERVER_JWT_JWKSETURI yes https://tokenserver.example/oauth/v1/keys The endpoint in the Authorization Server that returns the JSON Web Keys (JWKs) to validate the signature of the JWT
SECURITY_OAUTH2_JWT_AUD yes https://ers.example Identifier of the audience (External Resource Services) that is listed as the aud claim in the payload of the JWT
SECURITY_OAUTH2_JWT_ISS yes https://tokenserver.example/oauth Identifier of the issuer (Authorization Server) that is listed as iss claim in the payload of the JWT
SECURITY_OAUTH2_JWT_CLOCKSKEW 60s 2m The allowed difference between the internal clocks of the External Resource Service and the Authorization Server to calculate the validity of a JWT
SECURITY_OAUTH2_JWT_SCOPES_CONFIGURATION css_configuration The OAuth scope that gives access to modify the configuration and manually trigger synchronization.

Database encryption

Environment variable Default Mandatory Example Description
DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_POOLSIZE 4 yes 4 The size of the pool with encryptors. If not set, the default is 4
DATABASE_ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD yes password Database encryption password

Configure connection and read timeouts

Property Default Description
RESTSERVICES_WAITFORAVAILABLECONNECTIONINPOOLTIMEOUT 5s Timeout for waiting for available connection in pool
RESTSERVICES_REQUESTCONNECTIONPOOLMAXSIZETOTAL 30 Total max size of the http connection pool
RESTSERVICES_REQUESTCONNECTIONPOOLMAXSIZEPERROUTE 5 Max size of the http connection pool per single route
RESTSERVICES_REQUESTCONNECTIONPOOLVALIDATEAFTERINACTIVITY 2s Timeout validating connection in pool after inactivity
RESTSERVICES_READTIMEOUT 10s Request read timeout
RESTSERVICES_CONNECTIONTIMEOUT 2500ms Request connection timeout

You can use different units for time based properties, ie all of the following will set read timeout to 1 minute: